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Holistic Health

Your Health Matters

“No other healthcare professional

has done more for my overall health

than Al Stiller.” RS

"I’ve been seeing Al since May of 2019 and he has helped both me and my husband.  If you have suffered or had issues without finding any answers or just want to live a healthier life, then you should really give this a try.  We were meant to be healthy and happy.  Thanks to Al we are on our way!!   

10 stars."  LK

"I was considering going on disability…

and now I can't wait to get out of bed

each morning and attack the day. 

I truly believe that what Al did saved my life

and gave me hope for the future again. 

Thank you Al!" JK

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"My doctor was surprised to find that my bloodwork indicated I no longer had hypothyroidism (after 7+ years) and took me off Synthroid despite previously saying I would be on it for life."  AS

"I had heartburn with acid-reflux and needed to take Prilosec for years. After several months of taking digestive supplements, I no longer burp up stomach acid, haven't taken Prilosec in months, and feel better after eating meals."  CC

"For the past few years, I’ve had chronic headaches/migraines, neck pain, back pain, and fatigue.  Nutrition has finally helped me manage all of these issues and gave me the energy to tackle daily life and get back in the gym!"  KS

"My doctor determined that I had non-epileptic seizures. I had 6 seizures over four months and was taken to the hospital twice - once by ambulance.  I knew I could not live like this so I tried holistic nutrition.  I've been doing nutrition now for over three months and haven't had a single seizure since two weeks after starting.  The only difference has been this nutrition which I didn't think could be so helpful." SKM

 "Incontinence is not sexy. 

Nutrition gave me  my sexy back.  Thanks Nutritional Holistic Health"  KL

 "My husband was on four very powerful sleep medications for over 24 years.  After detoxing for over a year, he now sleeps all night long and wakes up refreshed without any sleep meds.  Thank you Al !"  LI

"My husband has severe gum disease requiring deep cleanings every 4 months for over 30 years.  After using nutrition for 9 months to work on oral health and gum weaknesses his professional cleaning team noticed and commented on several positive differences even stating that some of his gum pockets had less recession. 

 Thank you Al for everything" EN

 "Before NHH I couldn't correlate/remember what I was learning in school and would make low 80s on tests, but with NHH I can concentrate and make 90-100s in my AP classes! It feels like a blanket has been taken off my brain...I would give it a 10/10" MPF

A Unique Philosophy

Our purpose is to help you enjoy life and be able to do the things that are important to you.  To support your health journey, we will:

  • Listen to your concerns and assess your nutritional health.

  • Help cells, tissue, organs, and the body heal and function as designed. 

  • Provide nutrition, health, and wellness information, as well as, quality dietary supplementation.


When it comes to your health, you may have to change your approach to get the results you need.   Our approach is different and it is helping people of all ages with various health concerns, every day.  


Home: Purpose
Home: Services
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Our Primary Method

Nutrition Response Testing ® is a non-invasive method of analyzing your nervous system, organs, and overall health. This method uses applied kinesiology (muscle testing), and the resulting bio-electric feedback (reflex) reveals and prioritizes physiological (organ) weaknesses. Using the same method, we determine the exact, individualized nutrition needed to strengthen and heal those weaknesses.

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Nutrition Information

What we eat, drink, breathe, absorb, and inhale directly impacts our health. Whole foods along with high-quality herbs, botanicals, enzymes, and other nutritional supplements equip the body to flourish and function as designed. The benefits of proper nutrition often include: increased energy, optimized metabolism, healthier gut, better sleep, increased ability to think, emotional stability, and just feeling good.

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Our powerful body maintains, heals and protects itself to the best of its ability when given the proper resources - nutritious food, sun light, exercise, water, rest, and love. Providing it with specific, quality nutrition increases its capacity to heal and function as designed. Nutrition and lifestyle changes are both challenging and rewarding. We are here to help you with your health journey.

Many clients enjoy an additional range of health products and services for themselves and their families.
Contact Us for More Information or to Schedule an Appointment (Below)

 Intolerance  Elimination

Designed to reduce or eliminate intolerances so nutrition can work.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF)

Low frequency energy helping with self-healing and free radicals.


Standard Process, Medi Herb, Systemic Formulas, Marco Pharma, HVS, CellCore, Engergetix,... whole food supplements, herbs, homeopaths, enzymes, amino acids.

DNA Test Kit

DNA analysis to determine high risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and actionable nutrition.


Fasting techniques including intermittent fasting and ProLon® Fast Mimicking (FMD®) to promote cellular renewal.

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Protection

Protect yourself and your family from the always present EMF environment - cell phones, WiFi, computers; each device or the entire house.

Water Purification

Purification options to control pH. remove chemicals & metals, structure the water, add minerals and give it a refreshing taste.

Pet Supplementation

Nutrition for your pets so they live healthier lives.

     Red Light
   Low Level Light  

Red light / near-infrared healing and restoration focusing on cellular detox, microcirculation and external scars.

Resonance Testing

Locate and help the body heal deep-rooted stressors (substances or organisms) that often go undetected for years.

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“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have the safest way to health.”

- Hippocrates

Nourishment - like air, water, light, and temperature - is one of the key requirements for life.  

“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”

- Denis Waitley

“Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.”

– Jim Rohn

Photo: Al Stiller, Arches National Park, 2021

Home: Contact

Schedule a Consult with Al Stiller, BCHN®

Albert Stiller is a retired, Army colonel with 30 years of commissioned, active duty service.  Al had multiple overseas assignments and combat deployments.  His civilian education includes: BS in Animal Science, MBA with a Leadership Concentration, Advanced Clinical Training in Nutrition Response Testing®; Graduate Level Nutrition Certifications, and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® with the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP). 


Initial nutrition consultations are $75 and follow-up appointments are $35.  Fees do not include additional services or dietary supplements.  Bundled discounts available.  Contact us for Pet Supplementation, Intolerance Elimination, PEMF, DNA Kit, Fasting, Resonance, EMF Protection, Water Purification and Red Light pricing. 

122 Mohawk Dr., Maumelle, Arkansas 72113


Visits by Appointment Only - Contact Us for Availability

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Home: Client Testimonial

Client Testimonial


had constant stress, anxiety, and fear of the future but I didn't know why. I could only sleep 3 or 4 hours a night and then would wake up like someone threw a bucket of cold water on me. I was exhausted all the time and had no energy. My brain just wouldn't work like normal. I knew something was seriously wrong, but I didn't know why these changes had happened almost overnight. All the regular medical tests came back saying nothing was wrong with me. But with Nutrition Response Testing Al found several different heavy metals poisoning my body especially…in my Thyroid.  He tested me and found the right combination of supplements to help me detox and over several months I finally healed and felt like my old self again.


[Now] I feel fantastic! I am in my mid 40's and I feel like I am 19 again! I don't take medications or anything even an aspirin.  My energy, my joints, my whole body feels great!  I was considering going on disability and now I have my life back again I can't express how much Al and Nutrition Response Testing have changed my life. I felt like I would rather die than live like that anymore and now I can't wait to get out of bed each morning and attack the day.  I truly believe that what Al did saved my life and gave me hope for the future again.  Thank you Al!

- JK


Client Testimonial


I had gradually developed chronic, severe, almost constant pain in my right shoulder.  There was no injury or trauma but it gradually started hurting and continued to get worse.  I was seeing my chiropractor, getting adjusted and did some physical therapy but nothing helped.  It continued to get worse and even got so bad that I would wake up in the night with pain if I rolled over onto my right side.  I couldn’t move it without it hurting.  At times the pain was so severe it brought tears to my eyes. 


I finally went to see Al Stiller for a nutrition response testing check-up.  He found some problems in my prostate and started me on a program of care.  Within 3 days of starting on my program, the pain was noticeably better.  It continued to improve and within a few weeks was completely gone.  It has now been over 3 months and I have had no more shoulder pain at all!  I have had success with nutrition before but this surprised even me.  I was about ready to go to my PCP for a referral to an orthopedic specialist but that won’t be necessary now!  Thank you, Al!  

- TW

Disclaimer: No products or services are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Not FDA evaluated.

©2020 by Nutritional Holisitic Health LLC. Proudly created with

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